Bob Ross Painting Party – Part 2: Watercolors!


Hey friends!

About a year ago I posted about how we did Bob Ross IN PERSON using acrylics, which was a huge hit for our kids. Right now, we are a completely small groups-based ministry, which means that groups are meeting in 10 or less in-person or on Zoom. Since we are not doing large events, we developed “Party-in-a-Box,” where we put some items into a kit and they can do them together as a group. This month we are doing a Bob Ross Party.

Separating and dropping off/mailing Acrylics to 225 kids was a logistical nightmare. So I thought: what about watercolors?

I was naïve, unfortunately, to think that all I would have to do is sub watercolors and everything else would be the same. What I didn’t realize is that Watercolors are a completely different medium altogether. With the help of my friend Jason Rockacy, an architectural illustrator who specializes in watercolors, he helped conceptualize a painting and the tools needed to pull this off with our students.

I encourage you to go give Jason some love over at his website:



* you may use this video with your group!


  • This may take the ENTIRE HOUR, and if students are in-person they may have to go home with the painting still drying on the cardboard (or you may choose to leave it in your space). Make sure to watch the end of the video so they know how to take tape off and dry.
  • WATCH THE SECTION, THEN HIT PAUSE WHEREVER IT SAYS “PAUSE.” Encourage the students to listen the entire time before painting so that they understand the instructions.
  • Encourage creativity! If they decide to red mountains and a purple sky, hey. It’s their world to live in.
  • Encourage them to do their best, and don’t laugh at their mistakes. Students need a safe place to “fail,” and we should never laugh at them.
  • you will have two cups – one for dirty water and one for clean water. Don’t dip a dirty brush into clean water. 
  • let an area dry completely before painting next to it
    • if the paint bleeds, push it back with brush and/or dry with paper towel
    • Paint will flood wherever water lives.
    • You will know when it’s dry when it’s no longer glossy
  • watercolors dry lighter than it looks
    • if you want an area to be darker, wait for it to dry and then paint another layer over it
  • don’t get your paper too wet:
    • If you get too much water on your paintbrush, squeeze the extra off
    • If you create puddles, dab with paper towel
  • If you don’t like a paint color you’ve created in the well, wipe it with a paper towel and start again!

I hope your group enjoys this activity!